General Info:
Beginning and Ending Dates:.
Rouging (select crews) usually starts around the last week of June and continues through the first week of July.
Detasseling (all crews) usually starts during the second week of July and continues through the last week of July or into the first week of August.
Work Day:
Different crews will have different pick up locations and pick up times. Please check with your crew leader for your pick up location and time - pick up locations are under the "Crews" tab.
Most crews will start working in the fields by 5:45 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. Once the season gets started, a typical day can consist of each crew traveling 30 to 45 minutes to a field to begin work. Each crew may then travel 10 to 20 minutes between 2 to 3 different fields throughout the day. Most crews should return to their pick up/drop off location by 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Some days may be shorter or longer.
All workers are required to bring a water jug and food cooler with their first and last name written on each. Please pack enough food/snacks for anticipated long days. We have a water supply available to all workers.
What to Wear?
Please see the information under our "What to Bring/Wear" tab.
System of Pay:
We realize that field work is hard work. We admire and respect those who are exceptional workers and finish the season. It is our desire to be fair and to rightfully reward those who display a great attitude and work ethic. Our system of pay is designed to reward our good and hard workers.
All workers are guaranteed the federal minimum wage, but most are able to exceed that amount with our system of pay.
If you have any questions about our pay system or your amount of pay, please contact your crew supervisor. We put forth great effort to keep accurate records of pay. We want every worker to be paid fairly and to receive all that they have earned.
Your First Day of Work:
On your first day of work, you will be trained on everything you need to know to complete your job safely and successfully. We will spend ample time on safety training. We have experienced leaders designated to do all our training, and they will teach and show you all you need to know and answer all your questions.
Your first day of work will be your toughest day mentally. We encourage all workers to come back the second day. Workers show great improvement their second and third days of work.
Safety is our first priority. The owners of Sloup/Thorell have or have had all their children working in the fields. As parents ourselves, we understand the concern parents have for their child's well-being and safety.
We are required by the seed companies to have safety training before we enter the fields. We will also have safety audits periodically by all the seed companies for whom we work. We will also have safety technicians and in most cases nurses who check on crews to make sure there aren't any health/safety concerns. If you have any questions about your child's safety, please feel free to contact any of the crew leaders or owners. The owners are listed under the "About Us" tab.
Thank You:
We thank all our workers and parents who have entrusted us as employers. We ask that you pray with us for a good and safe season.